Activate Transponder

Don't have an account?
Create a new Metro ExpressLanes FasTrak account and activate the transponder purchased from AAA, Albertsons, or Costco. You’ll need the transponder number and validation code* to activate the device.

Already have an account?
Log in to your account to activate a new transponder purchased from AAA, Albertsons, or Costco. You’ll need the transponder number and validation code* to activate the device.
What you’ll need to get started:
- Contact information
- Vehicle make and model
- License plate number
- Transponder number and validation code*
- Credit/debit card information
- Optional Temporary license plate number, with effective dates
- Optional Clean air vehicle VIN, decal number, type (color), and expiration date
- Optional TAP reloadable fare card for Transit Rewards
* Once you start the activation process, you must complete it within the same session. You cannot start, then return to the activation process once you have entered the Activation Code. Your Activation Code can only be entered once, as it is a SINGLE USE code.